Thursday, September 25, 2008

I win. I think.

I would like to denounce the notion of the pinkerton syndrome.
Asians do get a shot. I repeat, Asians can win.
If you're me, that is. Heh.
I got commitments you see. I don't mean to. In advance. Really.

Anyway, some photos of how Shaun "died" in his birthday celebration at PineGrove.

And of course, at the end of the day, my post-birthday celebration, i was awarded.....

And for all the heart-aches-er, i present you,

Morning get-up song for everyone in PineGrove.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Proudly present..

THE HENG FAMILY. I just can't help it. The photo sticks out like a sorethumb in the lounge. Must post to whole world to see one. HAHAHAHAHHAHA.
And his fierce Cousins. HHAHAHAHAHHA. GANAS.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Accounting > Me

I felt gutted. 20MCQs, and all it takes is a sudden switch off of your brain to screw it up.
It was tough, like everyone said. I'm not everyone.
I'm putting too much pressure on myself.
Vexed to the max.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Uncle agony to the rescueeeeeeeeeeeee.

Dear monsieur Ng,

Take this part of you, to be a part of you.
Eventually, they'll be thankful to you.
There is this scale, in which we straddle along the course of our lives.
You might tip it, you might crash it, where perfect alignment will never realise.
Stay on general course, live with it, as long both feet are on it, they will love you for it.
Yes, you hate it, but this is Science.
The Science of being a human.

Forever yours,
The quintessential Singaporean

So here it is.
Does she always appear cool and confident to you? Or conversely, do you sometimes feel like she has more than her share of insecurities?

Most women, no matter how they present themselves to the outside world, have a few nagging insecurities, especially when it comes to dating. Indeed, the dating world can be rough, and while men also have their share of insecurities, they tend to stress about very different things.

The following are just a few of the things that a woman tends to worry about when it comes to dating or being in a relationship.

Her dating insecurities

1- You might not call her after the date.
Following through with what you've promised her is the first step to building a woman's trust. So if you say you are going to call her on Thursday, call her Thursday. If you say Friday, do it. If that's not your style, though, or you'd like to keep a little mystery, just don't be definite about when you'll be calling. It's better than breaking a promise and at least she won't be waiting by the phone on a particular day.

2- You just want to sleep with her.
It's a hard line to walk: If you make a move too soon, she'll think that's all you want. If you wait too long, she'll think you're just interested in her friendship. So the best way to work this is to just be sincere. If you are genuinely interested in pursuing a relationship with her, let her know. From there, she'll give you the signals to let you know when she's ready to get romantic with you.

3- You're dating other women.
It is perfectly acceptable to casually date more than one woman at the same time, as long as you are honest about it. So if you are dating other women, don't lie about it. You don't have to bring it up in conversation, but if she does, be honest. Once you start sleeping together or things seem to take a turn for the serious, she might assume you're exclusive, so it's only fair to let her know if that's not the case.

4- You're not that interested.
Even the most confident woman sometimes needs a little affirmation that you're interested in her. You could let her know by telling her outright or through a gesture, such as sending her flowers or calling her in the middle of the day, just a little hint to let her know that she's special to you.

her relationship insecurities

5- You're cheating on her.
Ask yourself the following question: Why is she insecure that I'm going to cheat on her? Have you given her a reason by cheating in the past? If that's the case, I'd be hard-pressed to say that she's being irrational. If that's not the case, however, you have to discuss the issue head on and let her know that you are committed and have no intention of cheating.

6- She's not satisfying you in bed.
Just like men, women have a lot of performance anxiety in the bedroom. So if things are going well in that department, make sure to let her know. If not, however, be sure to address the issue in the most sensitive manner possible. For example, don't tell her, "I don't like the way you..." Instead, tell her, "Let's try it this way..." JAJAJAJAJA.

7- You're not attracted to her anymore.
Just because you are a few years into a relationship, it doesn't mean that she doesn't need reassurance anymore. In fact, because you are a few years into a relationship, you have to work extra hard to let her know that you still find her attractive. Remember to compliment her and let her know that she still has it. This will reap rewards for you too, it'll help keep your romance alive.

8- Another woman is stealing your attention.
Do you flirt with other women in front of her? If you do this consistently, I don't blame her for feeling insecure in this department. There is nothing wrong with harmless flirting, but when you're with her, devote all your attention to her. You can flirt on your own time.

secure her

Yes, the world of dating is harsh. But with a little foresight and sincerity, you can make her feel infinitely more secure, both about your relationship and about herself. You should now be in a much better position to boost her sinking ego. So if you genuinely care about her, isn't it worth the extra effort?

Swee anot? I write aunty agony style for you lei.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Twist that tongue for me.

This is the story of four people named Everybody, Somebody, Anybody, and Nobody. There was an important job to be done and Everybody was asked to do it. Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it. Somebody got angry about that, because it was Everybody's job. Everybody thought Anybody could do it, but Nobody realized that Everybody wouldn't do it. Consequently, it wound up that Nobody told Anybody, so Everybody blamed Somebody.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Loco loco.

I just had this MSN conversation with a friend who was rather disgruntled by the actions of her boyfriend. My general understanding of the situation was that, in summary, he lied to her that he was studying and having supper thereafter when he was actually livin' la vida loca down at Ministry; she found out, she took him to task for it, everyone ends up getting extremely pissed and emotional.

Now, it isn't in my nature to sit in front of the laptop and pretend to be sympathetic - that just ain't me. Sure, I listen when people have gripes about stuff, but I try to maintain an objective stance on situations; basically, I often drop counterarguments when I ought to be sitting quiet and consoling the distressed soul on the other end of the conversation.

So it was that I went about harping on how many boyfriends avoid telling their girlfriends they club because its kinda a dual-bind situation whereby 1. you tell you die, or 2. you don't tell, she find out, you also die... But at least got chance she won't find out, see? I know it's not exactly the best thing to say to someone who's distressed, but I can't help being me, alright? As far as i'm concerned, reason is the only true sovereign in life - everything can and ought to be reasoned out.

Anyway, at some point of time the spotlight shifted abruptly to the issue of this not being the first time she'd caught him - heavy emphasis being laid upon "NOT first time ah! NOT FIRST TIME" My response to this was to again apply the laws of common sense by pointing out that ALL relationships will face deception and lies at some point of time, because nobody's perfect (and more importantly, ALL women lie - but I didn't say that, of course). I even ladled on a teeny bit of humor/sarcasm by replying that she'd better not tell me its the SECOND time (because I thought that'd be kinda over-the-top to profile someone as a compulsive liar on the basis of 2 misdeeds).

Hrmph. Its a case of either my common sense malfunctioning, or girls not having any common sense to begin with, because my cheap attempt at sarcasm ironically turned out to be true.

This reminds me of that book title - Why Men Lie and Why Women Cry, or something. So most guys I know have lied to their partners to go clubbing before - so what? If as a girlfriend you lose your cool everytime your boy heads down to a club for some fun, what dya really expect? You honestly expect him to willingly put himself through the girlfriend shredder everytime he wants to visit Zouk? Face it - everyone lies at some point or another, so what makes your partner somehow more immune to such phenomena?

Ultimately the question is about mutual trust, innit? And seeing as to how trust seems a scarce (and highly idealistic) commodity in most relationships, methinks that this once again reinforces peoples'choice to stay single as a pretty damned good one.

Girls are emo-freaks, guys are all selfish bastards, and i'm happy to straddle the fence and watch the firefight, thank you very much.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Money No Enough? Money No Enough.

Were I to ask you if money meant everything, I haven't the slightest disillusion that you'd reply with anything other than a quick and emphatic 'no' (discounting of course the chain of Huh's, What-a-dumb-question's and What-the-fark's which inevitably follow such an obvious question).Is it such an inane question to pose, really?
I'm sure you'll have met people who'd reply in similar fashion within a heartbeat of being asked, before going on to bemoan the inability to afford their latest escape. Clothes, maybe. Clubbing. Cigarettes. Video games. Cars. Phones. Girls. Drink.
I'm just throwing ideas out right now. You get the picture.
Can you be happy and be broke at the same time? Sure - just look at me. If you can't think of any friends whom you've ever known to proclaim as such, then i'm your milestone man - as with all people, i'd love a briefcase with a million bucks to magically appear at my bedside tomorrow morning, but otherwise let it be known that Shaunie-sama is for all reasons and purposes quite happily broke.
See... The way I look at it, there're 2 parts to money and happiness. And before you start thinking i'm hoarding some great piece of wisdom - no, i'm not, the 2 parts are money and happiness, respectively. Think of them as seperate entities, for now.
Only le freaking stupid could've ever come up with the theory that money can't buy happiness - Monumental. Pile. Of. Royalfreakingbullshit. Obviously temporary happiness is derived from my sudden acquisition of a Maserati Coupe, so who're we kidding here? So the purists argue that temporal happiness isn't true happiness - oh alright, you win, you can return to your little fantasy realm now, freak-you-very-much.
Some people have the good fortune to be born into a life whereby money and happiness are easily acquired, or already staples in the household; well, good for them - they have my sincerest jealousies well-wishes.
Some people have shitloads of money but zilch happiness. Naturally, we'd have to define happiness in order to ascertain its presence... But i'm generally of the opinion that if you've a set of parents who couldn't care less about you, you'd be a pretty deprived of the happiness of familial warmth, and ergo all the money in the world wouldn't really make you a complete person because you'd never understand what it truly meant to find joy in a relative, or a spouse, or your child. Hey - this happens; i'm citing this example from someone I know.
As for the last alternative... Let's see:I'm broke.I'm happy.Voila! Presto! Alakazam! And we have a winner, folks!
Because happiness is subjective to definition, I shall simply rattle off reasons for my current state:
Firstly, i'm not sick anymore - I was getting abit worried at the lengthy tenure of the flu, really. Naturally, you can consider this a really minor reason to be happy, and extremely short-termed in nature.
Secondly, i'm significantly unburdened by any commitments or constraints. Maybe you are too. Why aren't you happy, then? How many opportunities does one have in life to exist free as a bird (figuratively), not needing to heed some demand or pull of higher authority and/or responsibility? Enjoy freedom while you can, dove.
Thirdly, i'm finding gazillions of things to do everyday, within or without the house. I've never had any problems with the common complaint that Singapore's a boring place; Granted, you usually require a car to reach all the hard-to-get places, but once you have one... Boring? How could I ever proclaim Singapore to be boring if I hadn't even explored every nook and cranny thoroughly? All the so-called haunted places? All the run-down shops, ancient with cobwebbed trinkets? All the heights with beautifully panoramic views of the night sky and city lights? All the great places to eat? Plenty of these don't cost much or don't even cost at all. And don't even get me started on the things you can do at home.
Of course, there is one last equation we haven't sorted out yet, and that's having no money AND no happiness. Well, g'luck to you mate - I hope it's simply because you aren't trying hard enough, because i'd hate to see fate stack itself up against anyone. It's the phenomenon of the Gambler's Ruin - the house always wins.
Take a step back from materialistic outlooks, take one towards examining yourself; there're always friends you've neglected, things you've procrastinated on, promises you haven't kept - stuff like that. More often than not, i've found that effort buys greater stakes than mere dollars and cents, thereby explaining why someone as broke as I am can still dish out a mean and extremely memorable birthday gift if I so choose to.
Summary? Being happy and content need not cost a cent, even if the presence of many many cents would probably contribute to a much more... all-rounded form of happiness. JAJAJA.